Sermon on God Can Use You: Embracing Your Divine Call to Service

 God Can Use You: Embracing Your Divine Call to Service


It is a privilege to gather together today and meditate on the profound truth that God can use each and every one of us for His divine purposes. Despite our flaws and shortcomings, God calls us to serve Him and make an impact on His kingdom. Today, we will explore how God can use us, empower us, and work through us for His glory.

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1: Called to Service (Acts 9:15)

Just as God called Saul of Tarsus to be His chosen instrument, He has a specific purpose and plan for each of our lives. We are called to serve God and others with the gifts and talents He has entrusted to us.

2: Empowered by the Grace of God (2 Corinthians 12:9)

In our weaknesses, God's grace is made perfect. When we acknowledge our limitations and rely on God's strength, His power is revealed in and through us. God's grace empowers us to fulfill our divine calling with confidence and boldness.

3: Gifts and Talents for the Kingdom (1 Peter 4:10)

Each of us has been uniquely gifted by God for the building up of His kingdom. Whether it be through teaching, serving, encouraging, or hospitality, we are called to use our gifts to glorify God and edify His body, the church.

 4: Efficiency in Weakness (2 Corinthians 12:10b)

When we embrace our weaknesses and limitations, we allow God's power to be made manifest in our lives. It is in our moments of weakness that God's strength shines through, enabling us to accomplish far more than we could ever imagine on our own.

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5: Inspired by the Holy Spirit (John 14:26)

The Holy Spirit dwells within us, guiding, empowering, and inspiring us for the work of ministry. As we yield to the leading of the Spirit, He equips us with wisdom, discernment, and boldness to carry out God's will in our lives.

6: Faithful to the Divine Call (1 Thessalonians 5:24)

God is faithful to fulfill His promises and purposes in our lives. As we remain faithful and obedient to His call, He will equip and empower us to accomplish His will and bring glory to His name.

7: Impact on the Kingdom of God (Isaiah 55:11)

Just as the rain and snow water the earth and cause it to flourish, God's word spoken through us will not return empty but will accomplish His purposes. Our faithful service and obedience to God's call have a profound impact on His kingdom and the lives of others.

8: God Working in Us and Through Us (Philippians 2:13)

It is God who works in us, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. As we surrender our lives to Him and allow Him to work through us, He accomplishes His purposes in ways far beyond our comprehension.

Sermon on  God Can Use You: Embracing Your Divine Call to Service

  1. Sermon on God Can do It
  2. Sermon on I Can Do All Things
  3. Sermon on Nothing Can Stop Me


As we reflect on the truth that God can use each of us for His divine purposes, let us embrace our calling with humility, faith, and obedience. May we rely on God's grace, be empowered by the Holy Spirit, and faithfully steward the gifts and talents He has given us. Let us go forth with confidence, knowing that God is at work in us and through us, accomplishing His will for His glory.

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John 3:16: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (NVI)