The Kingdom Of God In The Bible
Jesus Christ was sent by God to be our Savior and Lord. He died on the cross to pay for our sins. We shall first seek the kingdom of God Matthew 6:33. Every day, the power of God’s kingdom must be demonstrated in our lives. 1 Cor. 4:20; 2:1; 4:3; 2:4-5; 4:9-13; 4:19. For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power.
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1. We shall first seek the kingdom of God Matthew 6:33
The order of seeking the kingdom of God is important.
A lot of people seek first a good time, or a job, or popularity, or something else.
In that case the kingdom of God is not first but often last.
The word seek means to "actively pursue" or "to go after." It's in the presenttense. It means continuously. Every day of your life you ought to seek first thekingdom of God
The word “first” is not simply a reference to time but importance. Jesus is notsaying to seek the kingdom God first and then seek the things of this world. He issaying that seeking the kingdom is our only objective
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2. But the kingdom of God is actually the key theme of the Bible
Starting in Genesis 1 itself. Here God showed himself king over his newly created universe, and he also placed humans on earth to rule with him over creation (Gen. 1:26-27).
Thekingdom of God is not God’s rule over his obedient subjects, but includes hisvictory over their spiritual enemies through Jesus, beginning in the present age (Matt12:28; Luke 1:68-75; 11:20).
3. kingdom of God: Jesus Is Our Hope For Salvation.
“The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!” Mark 1:15 Jesus compares Kingdom of God to:
- a mustard seed - Matthew 13:31-32
- yeast mixed with flour - Matthew 13:33
- a hidden treasure in field - Matthew 13:44
- a valuable pearl - Matthew 13:45-46
- a net with all kinds of fish - Matthew 13:47-50
Read more
- Sermon About Church Growth Strategies for Churches
- Sermon About Purpose: Why Do We Have A Purpose In Our Lives?
- Sermon About Deliverance: What are you expecting God to do in your life?
- Top Sermons to Preach The Word or Read OnLine
Jesus Christ Is Our Only Hope For Salvation.
If you are looking for hope, then you need to turn to Jesus Christ. He is the only one who has ever been able to save people from sin and death. He did this through his sacrifice on the cross. He paid for our sins so that we do not have to suffer eternal punishment in Hell.
We Are All Sinners And Need To Be Saved By Grace Through Faith In Jesus Christ.
There is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved, but the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12).
Jesus Christ Died As A Sacrifice For Our Sins.
Jesus Christ was born as a human being with all the same weaknesses and temptations as we do. However, he chose to live a life of perfect obedience to God. He never committed any sin.
He rose from the dead three days later and ascended into heaven where he sits at the right hand of God as our High Priest.
We believe that Jesus Christ will come back again someday to judge us and decide whether we go to Heaven or Hell. This event is called the Second Coming.