Sermon on Acts 3: The Healing of the Lame Man and the Gospel Message

 "The Healing of the Lame Man and the Gospel Message" (Acts 3)


Acts 3 recounts a miraculous healing that led to the proclamation of the gospel. Peter and John, on their way to the temple, encounter a lame man begging at the gate. What follows is a powerful demonstration of God's power through the name of Jesus, resulting in an opportunity to preach repentance and salvation. This passage teaches us about God's transformative power, the importance of faith, and the call to repentance and restoration.

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1. God’s Power Beyond the Temple (Acts 3:1)

Peter and John were on their way to the temple at the hour of prayer, showing that even in their daily routines, they were attentive to God’s work. This reminds us that God's power is not limited to places of worship—He is active in every part of our lives.

2. The Lame Man’s Request and Peter’s Response (Acts 3:2)

The lame man expected money, but Peter offered something far greater. Many times, we seek temporary solutions, but God desires to give us something much deeper—true transformation.

3. The Name of Jesus Has Power (Acts 3:6)

Peter declared, "In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk." This highlights the authority and power in the name of Jesus. Healing and salvation come not from human ability but through faith in Christ.

4. Immediate Transformation (Acts 3:7)

As Peter took the man by the hand, strength entered his feet and ankles. When Jesus touches a life, transformation is immediate. He restores, strengthens, and makes whole.

5. Public Testimony of the Miracle (Acts 3:8)

The man, once lame, now walks, leaps, and praises God. His joy became a testimony to those around him. When God moves in our lives, our response should be praise and a willingness to share our testimony.

6. The Amazement and Curiosity of the People (Acts 3:9-10)

The people recognized the man who had been healed, and they were filled with awe. A transformed life draws attention and opens doors for the gospel.

7. The Opportunity for Preaching the Gospel (Acts 3:12)

Peter used the miracle as an opportunity to preach. He did not take credit but pointed people to Jesus, emphasizing that salvation and healing come through Him.

8. Jesus, the Author of Life (Acts 3:14-15)

Peter confronted the crowd with the truth—they had rejected and crucified Jesus, but God had raised Him from the dead. Jesus is the Author of Life, and through Him, we have eternal hope.

9. The Call to Repentance (Acts 3:19)

Peter urged the people to repent so that their sins would be wiped away and times of refreshing would come from the Lord. True healing goes beyond the physical—it is about spiritual renewal through repentance.

10. The Promise of Restoration (Acts 3:26)

Peter concluded with the promise that God had sent Jesus to bless and restore those who turn to Him. This is the essence of the gospel—God’s desire to redeem and restore His people.

Sermon on  Acts 3: The Healing of the Lame Man and the Gospel Message

  1. Sermon on Acts 12 God's Sovereignty and the Triumph of the Church
  2. Sermon on a Godly Woman
  3. Sermon on Psalm 65 vs 11 Crowned with Goodness


The healing of the lame man is a powerful testimony of Jesus’ authority and the gospel’s transforming power. It reminds us that God desires to do more than just meet temporary needs—He wants to bring complete restoration. Just as Peter called the people to repentance, we are also invited to turn to Christ, receive His grace, and experience the fullness of His life-changing power. May we, like the healed man, leap with joy and boldly proclaim the goodness of our Lord. Amen.

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John 3:16: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (NVI)