Sermon About Intercession: Intercedes with God Nehemiah 1:1–2:8

Sermon About Intercession: Intercedes with God Nehemiah 1:1–2:8

 (Nehemiah 1:1–2:8) While in Persia, Nehemiah learns of the broken wall in Jerusalem and intercedes with God and Artaxerxes on behalf of his people, which provides spiritual and economic preparation to reconstruct the wall (fulfills Daniel 9:25 in 444 BC).

1. What does it mean to intercede with God. 

The word “intercede” escribe the action of a person who comes between two parties in dispute (whether individuals or corporate entities). They would advocate on behalf of one of the parties, seek to mediate a dispute, or solicit help for someone in need.

Intercessory prayer is an act of faith in which we ask God for something on behalf of another person. It is often used when someone needs healing or guidance.

The purpose of prayer isn’t to try to influence an unwilling God.

God will initiate prayer in our spirit. Prayer releases God’s Spirit into action James 4:2


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2. Interced by Who You Are Praying To.

When God lays a burden or prayer upon you, it’s His way of revealing His purpose and will in a given situation.

The Burden of intercession moves us to pray, for to overcome satanic opposition

In order to pray effectively, you need to understand who you are praying to. This means knowing what kind of relationship you have with God. If you believe in God as a personal being, then you should pray to him directly. 

If you believe in God , then you should pray for others within that community.

Intercessors in the Bible:

  • Intercession of Abraham  for Lot, Sodom & Gomorrah (Gen. 18:17-33)
  • Intercession of Moses   for Israel (Exo. 32:11-13; 33:12-16)
  • Intercession of Jeremiah  for Israel (Jere. 14:7-9); and for himself (Jer. 12:1-6)
  • Intercession of Ezra  for Israel as they began to marry pagan wives (Ezra 9)
  • Intercession of Paul for churches he had established (Phil. 1:3-4,9; Col. 1:3; 1 Thes. 1:2)
  • Intercession of Jesus  for His disciples, and indeed, the whole world (John 17)

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3. Ask For Help From Holy Spirit.

The Spirit of Christ praying and interceding on our behalf, praying through us in silent groanings, and also, at times, with “unknown tongues”. We are privileged to join our own heartfelt prayers with the prayers God prays through us.

You can also ask God to help you accomplish something. For example, you might ask God to give you wisdom with the peoples. Or you might ask God to bless him. Whatever you ask for, make sure you are faith about what you want.

Sermon About Intercession: Intercedes with God Nehemiah 1:1–2:8

Read more

  1. Sermon Abaout Pentecost: The Promise of Holy Spirit  Acts 2
  2. Sermon About Victory: Faith is the victory I John 5:4 
  3. Sermon About Restoration: Returning to God’s word
  4. +100 Top Easy Sermons to Preach 

Give Thanks When You Receive Answers.

Thankfulness is an attitude that we must cultivate. We must give thanks when we receive answers to our prayers. It is not enough to simply ask God for something; we must also express gratitude when he gives us we listen. Then you can thank him for his help.

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John 3:16: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (NVI)