Sermon About Prayer: Praying Like Jesus John 17

Sermon About Prayer: Praying Like Jesus John 17

A topic that takes us into the very heart of Jesus' relationship with the Father: prayer. In the Gospel of John, we find Jesus offering deep and intimate prayers that reveal His profound connection with God and His concern for His disciples and all believers. As we delve into these passages, we will uncover the transformative power of praying like Jesus.

In John 17 the night before he died, Jesus prayed the real Lord’s prayer. This chapter will show us three things to pray for. The first way to pray like Jesus is to…


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I. Jesus prayed for His disciples to be protected and holy (Jonh 17:6-19). 

Our journey begins with the beautiful truth that Jesus prayed for His disciples' protection and holiness. In John 17:6-19, we witness Jesus interceding on behalf of those whom the Father had given Him. He prayed that they would be guarded from the evil one and sanctified by the truth. This prayer reveals Jesus' deep care for His followers' spiritual well-being and His desire for them to be set apart for God's purpose.

Jesus is not praying for His disciples only 20a. In 17:6-19 Jesus prayed for His disciples, specifically Peter, James,…Now He is extending that prayer.  Jesus prayed for you. Humbling, overwhelming, inspiring. 

II. Jesus prayed that God would glorify him in his upcoming death (John 17:1-5). 

The second aspect of Jesus' prayer teaches us the importance of praying for God's glorification even in the face of challenges. In John 17:1-5, Jesus prayed for God to glorify Him in His upcoming death. This prayer demonstrates Jesus' unwavering obedience to the Father's will, even in the midst of suffering. It reminds us that our prayers should prioritize God's glory above all else.

III. Jesus is praying for those who will believe in Him through their word Jonh ( John 17:20b)

The third dimension of praying like Jesus is seen in His intercession for those who would believe in Him through the testimony of His disciples. In John 17:20b, Jesus prayed for all who would come to faith through their word. This prayer reflects Jesus' eternal perspective and His concern for the generations of believers who would follow.

IV. Jesus prayed for unity (Jonh 17:21-23)

The final element we explore is Jesus' profound prayer for unity among believers. In John 17:21-23, He prayed for the oneness of all believers, that they may be united just as He and the Father are one. This prayer highlights the significance of unity in the Body of Christ and its impact on the world's perception of the Gospel.

Jesus prayed for unity 21-23 unity a witness of Jesus to the world. That they all be one  the model of The Father and the Son 21. That the world would believe the Father sent the Son

The all here must include the ‘12’ and those who would believe. So the world would see the unity of the believers Jesus sent by God

That th glory given to Jesus [by the Father] He gave to them would produce unity 22. Glory here is the glory Jesus had in the incarnation J 1:14

That the unity would be perfect and mature 23. That the world would know that the Father sent the Son. That the world know Father loved the world as He loved His Son. 

 We’ll be united in heaven forever—so we might as well agree now (24).

 Unity shows God’s love to unbelievers so they can know Him (25-26).

Sermon About Prayer: Praying Like Jesus John 17

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Jesus' prayers serve as a model for our own communication with God. By praying like Jesus, we align our hearts with His priorities, seeking God's glory, protection, holiness, unity, and the spiritual well-being of all believers. Through prayer, we deepen our relationship with the Father and participate in His divine purposes.

May we approach our prayer lives with the same intimacy, intentionality, and trust that Jesus demonstrated. As we pray like Jesus, let our words and petitions reflect His heart, His love, and His desire for God's will to be done. May our prayers become a source of transformation, unity, and witness to the world, as we embrace the beauty of intercession just as our Savior did.

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John 3:16: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (NVI)